Tuesday, October 23, 2012

news so cool you might jump for joy(or at least you should)!

Remember that one time I didn't post anything on my blog for like 2 months. Oops! Can you tell that things have been a little crazy lately?! Every weekend has seemed to be insanely scheduled. The weekends are supposed to be my time to rest up and prepare for a new week. My typical work week is Monday thru Friday from 7am-4pm. Waking up that early can be the death of me sometimes! However, after my 2 hour nap this afternoon, I am feeling quite refreshed!

So what is new, you ask? Well lots! 

ummm can I get a drumroll please... (I really hope that you are mentally doing a drumroll as you read this).... My friend Carli and I are working on opening up our own online clothing store. I am beyond excited!!!! I have always wanted to own a boutique- like since I was 10! An online store just felt like a perfect fit in both of our lives- especially at this time. It was only a short time after meeting and getting to know each other that Carli and I realized we both had the same goals and inspirations. It honestly felt like a lightbulb turned on as soon as we met... and we both knew...we were actually capable of doing this! All it took was that. I am now a believer in the power of two. We are hoping to open up in January... maybe sooner. We are currently in the boring business stages, but I am so excited to show all of you our ideas and clothing we are waiting to purchase. I can't wait to make this step in my life. Everything seems to be falling into place :)

is coming soon!!!!


  1. YAY! I'll be your first customer!

  2. YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No one deserves it more than you!!!! Go girl!!!

    1. Not sure why I said go girl. Re-reading it, I sound like a spice girl. I've obviously been watching too much disney channel. But for real, i'm excited for you haha

  3. Why thank you guys!!!! I am overly excited about it! HAHA... Stacey I can be go go spice... haha

  4. Whit told me about this last week. I'm excited to see what you're going to sell!

  5. Lyndsey, you're amazing! I love seeing and hearing about all your amazing adventures! Your store is going to be awesome! And I can't wait to buy some clothes from you and tell everyone I know about Winsome Jones ;) Also, my friend Shannon is a Fashion Blogger over at gbofashion.com and she gets a pretty big audience... so if you need help spreading the word, she could be a good contact, she does a lot of stuff with a lot of other online boutiques :)

  6. Paige you are awesome! Thank you! I will definitely need to look into the blog!
